Harrowing journey with children and grandparents reunites family with husband. In lieu of peace, Palestinian Christians sheltering at Orthodox and Catholic churches grow increasingly desperate....
Gutted by Gaza, Holy Land Christians exchange holiday cheer for a hallowed Christmas Eve in solidarity with suffering neighbors. There will be no Christmas lights...
Archaeologists are using over a million amateur finds to study pilgrimage sites, the Black Death, and the Protestant Reformation. Much has been written about religious...
Though Trump remains the frontrunner, poll-watchers say the South Carolina Methodist is having her moment. Veteran Iowa GOP activist Marlys Popma has gotten a call...
Elevation’s recent hit has stirred a broader discussion on how to incorporate imprecatory language in worship without being triumphalist. “Spiritual Enemies to be Encountered,” one...
Ridley Scott’s “Napoleon” is well-cast, well-made, and without a thought-provoking theory of its subject’s world-changing appeal. After the violent throes of revolution, in a bankrupt...