Supreme Court Pauses Ban on Biden Admin’s Communications With Big Tech

The Court agreed to hear the case, which could affect how the First Amendment is applied when it comes to social media.

On the plus side, the Supreme Court will hear the case Missouri v. Biden.

Louisiana, Missouri, and private parties sued the administration for telling social media platforms to remove posts that went against the government’s stances on issues such as COVID.

The United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana ruled the plaintiffs would likely prove their case and placed an injunction on the administration from contacting the platforms.

The injunction stops two things:

  • The government cannot “coerce” social media platforms to make moderation decisions.
  • The government cannot “meaningfully contro[l]” of the platforms’ moderation efforts.

The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upheld the District Court, finding a “‘a coordinated campaign’ of unprecedented ‘magnitude orchestrated by federal officials that jeopardized a fundamental aspect of American life.’”

The Fifth Circuit also issued a modified injunction.

The government appealed

Alito, instead, extended the injunction.

The government replied for another stay, which came with the petition to hear the case.