Hearing the Master’s voice


He came up to me crying. Our son is certainly tender-hearted, but I could tell that something was really bothering him. He was holding some blocks in his hands where he had been building something and I remember him telling me how they were broken and he couldn’t fix them. It had upset him to the point of tears!

When I looked at the blocks he had, I didn’t see much more than a chaotic creation. But to him, this was a boat and it was the critical piece to his game that he had been playing. I took the pieces and I remember saying to him, “It’s okay. Daddy will help you fix it.” Soon, we had the boat repaired and he was off playing again.

To him, the whole world was turning upside down. But when I said the words, “It’s okay,” I remember the tears stopped. Not because the boat was fixed but because he had faith that his dad would help make things right. All it took was hearing my voice.

So many times in life, we find ourselves caught in the middle of the storm like those on the ship here. Our lives are being thrown around and we are worried that we may not make it through. It is in those moments that we need to hear the Master’s voice. Because if we do, we know that things will be okay.


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