‘A WORK OF THE LORD!’ Hundreds of Students Baptized at Auburn, Churches Overflowing


As many as 6,000 students at Auburn University gathered for a night of worship and Bible Study. It concluded with several hundred students converting to Christianity and getting baptized in a campus pond. Kristen Carr, the editor of The Plainsman, joined my podcast to give us the back story on this incredibly inspirational story. She said churches across the city have been filled to overflowing.

“Everything that has happened over the past couple of years, a lot of us were freshmen right after COVID when all of those restrictions were happening. And so everybody’s been through a lot. And I think people were really searching for something more. And Jesus is better and He is that something more. And He is the solution to all of those problems that we see within, you know, anxiety and depression, especially with college students. And I think people are realizing now and there is a solution and there is something better. And so as a believer, I’m looking at God just with so much joy because people are finally seeing that that is the solution and that is the ultimate thing that we can hope for.”


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