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‘He is an evil man’: Biden blasted for ‘spitting in the face of Christ’

'The work of the devil operating through the actions and words' of the president



Joe Biden is on the receiving end of a lot of criticism this week for signing a proclamation designating March 31, Easter Sunday, as the transgender “Day of Visibility,” in what many Christians and conservatives see as a blasphemous act.

One of those is Judie Brown, head of the American Life League.


In a statement, she joined top Catholic theologian Cardinal Gerhard Muller, who has condemned Biden’s open defiance of Catholic church teachings, even though he claims to be a faithful Catholic.

Muller has spoken against Biden’s “open support” of abortion and other actions deemed immoral by the church.

Regarding the designation of Easter Sunday as the “day” for transgenders, Brown explained, “Cardinal Gerhard Müller recently made headlines for suggesting that the president of the United States, Joe Biden, is a ‘nominal Catholic’ and should be excommunicated for his support of abortion and other sinful practices. Müller’s call was affirmed on Friday, March 29, 2024, when President Biden issued a Proclamation Transgender Day of Visibility 2024.


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