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Dutch Sheets and Tim Sheets: “The Supernatural Enforcers Have Arrived!”



Dutch says: I was in a service with my brother, Tim, a few weeks back, and Holy Spirit moved in profound ways. The Lord had brought revelation to various leaders before the meetings, which came together that night and produced great breakthroughs. It was a very significant night. In today’s post, Tim shares the majority of information; I contribute some as well.

The Angel Gate Is Open

Tim shares: I believe Holy Spirit has revealed a Kingdom strategy for the Ekklesia that has now been activated at a new level. This will demand that we function as a true Ekklesia, the word Christ used to define the Church. Remember, Ekklesia (the word translated as “Church” in the New Testament) is a Greek word that refers to a judicial or legislative body.[1] This meaning MUST be understood in order for us to comprehend our mission statement.

Our church recently hosted a prophetic summit, a night in which the Ekklesia convenes and presses in to hear from the Lord regarding our current season. As I was praying on the morning of the summit, Holy Spirit allowed me to see into the spirit realm.

While praying, I had said, “Lord, people are coming from around our nation, some driving many hours to be here. I want it to be beneficial to them and worth their time. Some are even flying in.”

When I said that, I heard Holy Spirit very clearly say, “They aren’t the only ones.” I was immediately given a vision.

In this vision, I saw a host of angels coming to the meeting. Holy Spirit revealed that they were coming from other nations throughout the world. Based on the way they were dressed, I recognized different divisions of angels: I saw government angels, which partner with the prayers and decrees of a governing Ekklesia/Church, and I saw seraphim, which are the mightiest order of angels.

During this vision, I could sense the power, strength, and delegated authority of these mighty angels. Hundreds of them were coming to this convening of the King’s Ekklesia.

I trembled in the holy presence of God and knew Holy Spirit was revealing a supernatural level of assistance, and it was dramatically increasing. I began to weep as I saw the hosts of Heaven coming from other nations and realized this would be a game changer.


God Bless You and Your Families!



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