Former President Donald Trump has a towering 35-point lead over his last remaining Republican primary opponent, former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC), in South...
Despite his opposition to same-sex marriage, Begg’s “grandfatherly” pastoral counsel cost him his place on American Family Radio and at the Shepherds Conference. For the...
The nearly 10,000 border patrol agents eligible for retirement by 2028 and static recruitment numbers threaten to undermine future efforts to secure the...
Honor-shame dynamics color how Christians have these sensitive conversations. The two most populous countries of the world, China and India, both suffer from skewed sex...
Many believers were already avoiding fellowship after warning by ISIS, which claimed responsibility for the killing at a Catholic congregation in Istanbul. Turkish Christians are...
The New York Times columnist says extraordinary things happen—both personally and socially—when we pay attention to others. Twenty years ago, I got stuck in the...