Trump Snubs GOP Debate on CNN, Will Hold Fox News Town Hall at Same Time Instead


President Donald Trump has revealed that he won’t be attending the next debate for Republican 2024 primary candidates on CNN.

Instead, Trump will be holding a town hall on Fox News that will be broadcast at the same time as CNN’s GOP debate.

The Fox News town hall will be moderated by hosts Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum and will take place in Des Moines, Iowa.

Both events will be held in Des Moines next Wednesday, January 10, at 9:00 p.m. ET.

The two competing events will be broadcast just days before the Iowa caucuses, Politico reported.

Trump’s decision to forego the debate is in step with his past strategy, which his GOP opponents have criticized him for.

However, the 45th president’s polling lead has remained unshaken despite his absence from each of the debates.

Following some of the debates, Trump has even been declared the winner.

Before the first GOP debate of the primary season in August, Trump announced he would “not be doing the debates.”

He cited his large polling lead over the rest of the Republican field.

“The public knows who I am & what a successful Presidency I had, with Energy Independence, Strong Borders & Military, Biggest EVER Tax & Regulation Cuts, No Inflation, Strongest Economy in History & much more,” Trump said.

So far, only Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley have qualified for the CNN debate next Wednesday, according to the network.

DeSantis and Haley are now polling neck-and-neck in both Iowa and New Hampshire.


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