In an animation landscape full of sequels, prequels, and remakes, The Wild Robot is a welcome respite. Based on Peter Brown’s eponymous 2016 novel and...
International Christian engineering nonprofit Water Mission usually responds to clean water crises overseas, like flooding in East Africa this year or the earthquake in Turkey...
Canadian Christians increasingly find their pro-life values in conflict with their nation’s rapid acceptance of medical assistance in dying (MAID). Many say churches could be...
This piece was adapted from Russell Moore’s newsletter. Subscribe here. My family is from one of the most hurricane-prone places in the United States—our hometown was virtually...
In this episode, Frank and Jared continue the commentary on every reference to the kingdom of God in the Gospels. This episode covers Luke 19:11-27....
When Jimmy Carter spoke about his faith in Christ while campaigning for president in 1976, many evangelicals were ecstatic. No previous presidential candidate had claimed...
The oldest Protestant seminary in the Middle East has a new vision. Officially founded in 1932 but with origins dating back to the 19th-century missionary...
This story will be updated. Steve Oh can trace his family’s Christian heritage back to the Protestant missionaries who arrived in Korea in the 1800s. ...
It’s Saturday night, and you’re looking for jazz in Germany’s capital. You could catch an after-midnight jam session at A-Trane in Charlottenburg, get cozy in...