Church leaders can offer clear moral and ethical guidance for a practice that violates biblical mandates. On April 8, the Vatican issued Dignitas Infinita, a...
Study: 24 percent of clergy in North Carolina are still opposed to same-sex marriage. After the departure of thousands of traditionalist United Methodist churches from...
Eastern Orthodox poet Scott Cairns reflects on his new collection, his journey of faith, and poetry’s capacity to apprehend inexhaustible realities. Fans of the Harry...
As Haiti is uprooted by violence, church leaders treat gunshot wounds, give up homes for strangers, and rescue dignitaries. Pastor Frederic Nozil has learned to...
Interview with leader of new evangelical alliance describes his escape from Khartoum and the pressure to pick a side. Overlooked by crises in Gaza and...
Two new memoirs, Troubled and Between Two Trailers, make a powerful—if unintentional—case for the Christian ethos of family and community. Growing up, our car radio...
In this episode, Frank and Tim continue the commentary on every reference to the kingdom of God in the Gospels. This episode covers Matthew 25:31-46....
The founder of Concerned Women for America was credited by President Ronald Reagan with “changing the face of American politics.” Beverly LaHaye, a timid pastor’s...
But experts say it can offer opportunities for leaders and congregations to grow. Conflict had become the norm at Trinity Church in Redlands, California. The...
As a lifelong athlete and coach, I know sports build character. But I worry about the idolatrous, selfish culture of American athletics. When my wife...
They might not even know you’re there. When paranoia eclipses our witness, here’s what to remember. This piece was adapted from Russell Moore’s newsletter. Subscribe...
The new dystopian thriller reminds viewers it’s not just what we witness that matters, but how. There’s nothing more frightening than the sound of a...
Hindutva ideology is crossing the border from India and making ministry more challenging for churches in the former Hindu kingdom. More than 15 years after...