In this episode, Frank continues his commentary on every reference to the kingdom of God in the Gospels and Brian Russell joins the conversation. This...
In this episode, Gregory Fish interviews Frank on the COVID pandemic, the pursuit of happiness, how to leverage a crisis, and how countless Christians idolize...
In this episode, Tim Stewart interviews Frank about the Insurgence and asks probing questions about legalism, libertinism, and discipleship according to the gospel of the...
In this episode, seminary professor Brian Russell interviews Frank on kingdom ministry, past, present, and future. For more resources, check out the Gospel of the...
In this episode, Frank and Jeffrey answer questions from listeners about the gospel of the kingdom in light of current events. For more resources, check...
In this episode, Frank is interviewed by Adam Miller. They discuss the Insurgence, church, and politics. For more resources, check out the Gospel of the...
In this episode, Frank is again interviewed by Chris Roe. They discuss four toxic anti-kingdom behaviors that are prevalent in the “Christian” community today. For...
In this episode, Frank and Nicholas answer the following questions: “Does the New Testament require kingdom people to evangelize and what does kingdom evangelism look...
In this episode, Frank is interviewed by Brian Del Turco. They discuss the kingdom of God, the Insurgence, Christians, and conspiracy theories. For more resources,...
In this episode, Frank and Nicholas answer the following question: “What is the difference between ekklesia and koinonia?” For more resources, check out the Gospel...