House Republicans Defeat Democrat Motion to Endorse Biden’s Abortion Travel Policy


House Republicans today defeated a Democrat motion that would essentially endorse Joe Biden’s policy forcing Americans to fund abortion travel for members of the military.

Democrats put forward a motion to send a Department of Defense funding bill back to committee and remove a pro-life movement that would overturn Biden’s pro-abortion policy. But Republicans defeated that motion on a 214-204 vote. Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives – Vote Details

Every single Republican who voted today voted against the Democrats’ pro-abortion motion while every single Democrat who voted today voted for Biden’s abortion travel policy. Some 14 members did not vote.

“Current federal DOD law already permits taxpayer funding of abortion in cases of rape, incest and to save the life of the mother,” Congressman Chris Smith said before the vote. “But the Biden DOD abortion travel policy forces taxpayers to pay the transportation costs for military members and dependents to travel to procure an abortion, for any reason, right up until the moment of birth.”

“Dr. Ronny Jackson’s House-passed amendment to the NDAA overturns the illegal DOD abortion travel policy. Regrettably, the pro-abortion culture of denial—a modern-day flat earth society— continues to deny, devalue, and disrespect unborn baby girls and boys and trivialize the harm suffered by women,” he added. “Don’t force taxpayers to facilitate abortion on demand.”


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