San Francisco’s in Dire Straits So They’ll Cut Law Enforcement

San Francisco is being destroyed by crime, drugs, a flood of illegal aliens, homelessness, soft-on-crime policies, companies leaving along with residents, and the consequent declining revenue. They even have poop patrols. Now they have to make severe budget cuts. You won’t be surprised that they want to cut the police department, sheriff, and DA’s offices. Mayor Breed ordered budget cuts of $206 million across the board.

Mayor Breed has ordered departments to make other cost-cutting measures, including a pause on hiring for some vacant positions, restricting city workers’ expenses, and deactivating unused cell phone lines.

The District Attorney’s office, responsible for drug-related crime, must cut $2.4 million, while the Sheriff’s office cuts could amount to $6.7 million.

The one thing you won’t see is enlightenment. The leaders won’t realize what a disaster they’ve created. This is an avoidable, man-made crisis, and nothing will change.

San Francisco Mayor Breed is desperate.

Breed wants the cuts to keep the city from reaching a $500 million deficit by 2025. Their economy is tanking because of incompetence and progressive policies.

She has to tear up the record-breaking $14.6 billion budget she signed off a bare three months ago. Embarrassing!

So, there you have it. The companies are leaving, the taxpayers are leaving, but the illegal aliens, thieves, and drug addicts are staying because it’s really good for them.