RINO law Professor has dramatic about-face: now says 14th Amendment CAN’T remove Trump from ballot…


It’s truly disheartening when so-called “cherished” conservative institutions fall prey to Stage 5 TDS and careen off course. Sadly, this isn’t an uncommon  occurrence, though it does offer us a chance to see how many of our supposed allies are, in fact, establishment RINOs. Even so, it’s a tiresome pattern we’ve witnessed repeatedly.

And speaking of that pattern, recently, the founder of the “conservative” law group The Federalist Society, Steven Calabresi, made a surprising assertion, claiming that those attempting to remove Trump from the ballot using the 14th Amendment were justified and could likely succeed in their efforts.

Get this — Calabresi actually sat down with Norm Eisen (of Revolver News fame) back in January of 2021 and wrote an op-ed for the New York Times (archive link) saying Trump should be charged and impeached before he left office, or even afterwards, so that he could never hold office ever again.

Liberal activists and self-proclaimed “constitutional scholars” spanning the political spectrum have rallied behind the “14th Amendment theory,” asserting that Trump’s post-2020 election conduct disqualifies him from seeking future public office. This notion has garnered a wide array of supporters with varying political perspectives.

What’s truly disconcerting and thoroughly un-American is when uni-party regime elites attempt to remove the most popular candidate from the ballot using these questionable tactics. Last time we checked this was America, not North Korea. This kind of plotting goes against the principles of fair and democratic elections. Unfortunately, it’s become a recurring theme with the Trump-haters, who, in the pursuit of his downfall, are willing to cast aside even the most fundamental standards of our democratic process. The ends always justify the means when it comes to taking down Trump.


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