DNC in Panic Mode? Trump Seeing Levels of Minority Support No Republican in 50 Years Has Reached


The battle between former President Trump and the cabal of desperate Democrats trying everything in their power to hurt him politically, only to have it have the opposite result, conjures up the image of pasty liberals sitting in the dark beside a cauldron of witches brew exclaiming, “Curses… foiled again!”

According to an analysis in The Washington Post, Trump is smashing the numbers of any former Republican when it comes to his approval ratings with the black and Hispanic community.

Five polls in recent weeks show Trump averaging 20 percent approval among black voters and 42 percent approval among Hispanic voters, according to the Post.

Results like that should have the Democratic National Committee — as well as its media allies — in full panic mode.

“Both numbers — and especially that for Black voters — could set modern-day records for a Republican in a presidential election,” the Post’s Aaron Blake wrote. “Trump in 2020 took just 8 percent of Black voters and 36 percent of Hispanic voters, according to the Pew Research Center’s validated voter survey. Exit polls pegged those figures at 12 percent of Black voters and 32 percent of Hispanic voters.”


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