Give it all you’ve got!


We have all heard the words at some point in our lives. It may have been from our own parents when we were younger. Perhaps it was from a coach, a boss, or even a friend that was just trying to encourage us. We were facing something and they said the words, “Give it all you’ve got.”

It’s amazing how those words can affect someone. It is not necessarily that you weren’t going to try. Most people don’t set out to do something and simply try to do it halfhearted. Sure, there are times that it may happen, but it’s not always the case. In fact, you may have been giving what you thought was your best effort.

But that very statement causes you to think more and perhaps even try harder. It creates a stronger desire. Instead of holding anything back, perhaps you give more than you ever have to the situation. It often leads to an accomplishment that you may have never thought possible, or achieving new heights in whatever you were facing.

In this Psalm, we read about the special blessing for those that seek God with their whole heart. It’s a desire to know God deeper and to understand His will more. It’s the idea of putting aside your own self and putting God first. That’s truly seeking him with your whole heart. In other words, the psalmist is saying, “Give it all you’ve got!”


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