The bedrock message from the witnesses was that the US is under invasion by illegal Chinese coming across the southern border unfettered by Biden administration policies. Rep. Mike Ezell (R-MS) made the point as a backdrop to the rest of the hearing:

“Under the president’s watch there have been over eight million illegal aliens released into this country. What is not clearly revealed in the group of eight million illegals is an alarming statistic. The fastest growing group crossing the border illegally is not from Mexico or South America, they’re from China. Since President Biden’s taken office CBP [Customs and Border Patrol] encounters with Chinese nationals has risen over 4200%.”

Answering Congressman Ezell’s question regarding whether this surge of Chinese nationals illegally crossing the US border because of President Biden’s open border policy represented a threat, Mr. Hankinson responded, “Statistically, it’s undeniable. If you have 50,000 additional people and you have no confirmation of their background, their criminal records, their present or past affiliation with their government… It’s almost certain a proportion…are coming here with the intent at some point to do some harm.”