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Bloomberg Columnist Declares Opposition to Lab-Grown Meat to Be “Conservative Cultural Insecurity”


Attacks on the cattle ranching industry have been ramping up for the last couple of years. The powers-that-be want to reduce and eventually eliminate beef from cows that were born in a pen and raised in a pasture, replacing them with “meat” that was made in a petri dish.

Recently, they’ve been attacking beef from a new front: political ideology. Apparently, anyone who is opposed to lab-grown beef must be part of the vast right-wing conspiracy against progress.

An article in Bloomberg declared as much with opinion columnist Tyler Cowen offering his new theory:

“The anti-lab-grown-meat movement is about conservative cultural insecurity — the fear that, without the force of law, some conservative cultural norms will fade away.”


What drew his ire were ongoing efforts by conservative lawmakers and activists to outlaw lab-grown beef in their states. The concerns being voiced are real and have nothing to do with political ideology, but the powers-that-be want to secure the leftist base before they do their own research. By making it a political issue, they hope to gaslight progressives.

According to Prepper All-Naturals co-founder Jason Nelson, this strategy has worked before and may work again on beef.

“This reminds me of how they made the anti-vaxx movement a political issue,” he said. “They used psychological games to convince leftists that being against the Covid jabs was a right-wing sentiment, conveniently omitting that the broader anti-vaxx movement was spearheaded by progressives like Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Jim Carrey, and Bill Maher.”

Lab-grown “meats” are very similar to modern vaccines in that questioning the science behind them is verboten within the scientific community. Inquiring about the safety or even practicality of lab-grown meat is an easy way for food industry scientists to lose their jobs, grants, and credibility. The University of California in Davis learned this when they published a study showing lab-grown meat was far worse for the environment than meat from pasture-raised cattle. The study was widely panned despite the sound science behind it.



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