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Self-Inflicted Wound: Google’s Pro-Hamas Employees Wage Sit-In Until It Drops Business with Israel

It appears Google’s targeting, intimidation, and demonetization tactics that they use against conservatives and conservative media are now being used against them. Google employees have shined a glaring light on the company’s billion-dollar contract with Israel to exploit the AI-driven Project Nimbus. These employees are demanding the project be shut down and that Google divest from business with Israel, or else.

What. A. Mess.

Google employees are actively occupying the California office of Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian and refusing to leave until the company stops doing business with Israel, video live-streamed by the employees shows.

In a Twitch livestream titled “notech4apartheid,” Google employees can be seen donning keffiyehs and sitting on the floor in his office. On the 10th floor in the New York City Google office, where a simultaneous anti-Israel rally took place, employees carried anti-Israel signs, and shouted chants asking Kurian, “How many kids did you kill today?”

The protests were announced in internal emails to employees that shared a list of demands, including that Google drop its $1.2 billion contract with Israel for Project Nimbus, a cloud-computing project of the Israeli government, and the Israeli Defense Forces that contracts Google and Amazon for various services.


That’s pretty damn ballsy. Not a Group Me or WhatsApp thread, but company email to plan this coup, which was also coordinated in San Francisco and Seattle. I once got fired for transmitting an off-color joke over company email. 

Demands also include that Google cease all “business with the Israeli apartheid government and military,” stop the “harassment, intimidation, bullying, and silencing,” of Palestinian and Muslim employees, and address the “health and safety crisis” among workers who are rattled over their labor being used to “enable a genocide.”

No mention of Google being in bed with China and their treatment of Uyghurs. Like the company itself, these employees are selective in their outrage.



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