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Charlie Shamp: “Embracing the Appointed Hour: A Call to Unity, Worship & Divine Anointing”


Coming Together in Unity and Purpose

I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “Remember that I am always good, merciful, and compassionate. Come to Me with eager hearts, seeking My face and trusting in My unfailing love. When life gets tough, find comfort in Me, your refuge, strength, and protector.

“Just as oil flowed from Aaron’s head to his robe, so will My anointing and blessing flow over you when you come together in unity and purpose. Put aside your divisions and disagreements, and embrace love and humility towards one another. In this posture, I will pour out abundant blessings upon you, blessings that bring eternal life.

“I am pouring out a fresh and mighty outpouring of My Spirit upon My people. I am raising up a faithful remnant who will walk in boldness and power, carrying My presence wherever they go. Rise up united, and let the light of My truth shine into a world that longs for hope. Stay rooted in My Word, allowing My Spirit to lead you, and you will witness extraordinary signs, wonders, and miracles.

Overflowing Joy and Abundant Life

“I call you to be a people of passionate worship and adoration. Like David in Psalm 86, exalt Me with your whole heart. I am stirring within you a deep hunger for intimate worship, drawing you into the depths of My presence. Enter boldly into My sanctuary with thanksgiving and praise, for in My presence, you will find overflowing joy and abundant life.

“Arise, seek My face fervently, unite in spirit, and worship Me with unbridled passion. As you do, you will encounter My manifest presence like never before. Your lives will be transformed, empowered, and the world will witness the radiant glory that emanates from you. This is your appointed hour, and the gates of Hell will never prevail against you. Arise and shine, for the brilliance of My light has come upon you!” (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

Ancient Wells and Concealed Underground Rivers

In the realm of the spirit, I witnessed the presence of ancient wells and concealed underground rivers, untouched and undiscovered beneath the surface of the earth. These wells and rivers served as symbols of untapped spiritual resources, hidden away from the knowledge of many. However, amidst this hiddenness, I observed a rising generation, fueled by an intense desire for a divine movement of God. Equipped with rods in their hands, they diligently pursued the rediscovery of these long-forgotten wells, unlocking the powerful currents of past revivals that flowed beneath the surface.


God Bless You and Your Families!



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