Food Prices Crush Family Budgets



Have you left the grocery store lately, appalled at the price you paid for food?

If so, you are hardly alone.

In fact, such anxiety is widespread and based on the real-world fallout of Biden’s inflation and the punishing kitchen table ramifications. On this topic, my advocacy group, the League of American Workers, has polled the battleground states that will decide the November national elections. Our surveys consistently find that food prices are the number one inflation concern of citizens.

For example, in our latest polling from the key swing state of Georgia, food prices were cited by 49% of likely Georgia voters as either their number one or number two top concern regarding the economy and inflation. This anxiety about food prices crossed party and ideological lines, as well. For instance, it was cited as the number one economic concern among Biden 2020 voters as well. Specifically, among those self-identified Democrat voters, 45% expressed food prices as their top concern.

So, even as media mavens stretch to try to paint the Biden economy as healthy, regular salt-of-the-earth Americans live a different reality: one where affording the necessities of life becomes a grind. Food prices overall have vaulted 20% higher since Biden took office.

Looking at the staples items Americans buy reveals that the pain is even more intense for many common purchases. For instance, boneless chicken breast now averages $4.08/pound nationally.

But when Biden took office, the average price was $3.26/pound, so the total increase of over 80 cents per pound represents a whopping 25% increase. Or take ground coffee, which now costs $6.08/pound nationally. When Biden took office, coffee was $4.59/pound, so that extra $1.50 per pound of java equates to a staggering 32% increase in just three years.

With those kinds of piece spikes, no wonder Georgia voters wholesale reject Biden’s economic agenda. In fact, regarding the term “Bidenomics,” only 7% of Georgia voters have a “very favorable” opinion of the term. In contrast, five times that many, 35%, report a “very unfavorable” view of so-called Bidenomics.

God Bless You and Your Families!



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