General Mike Flynn: Who made the World Economic Forum (WEF) “trustees of the future?”



Who made the World Economic Forum (WEF) “trustees of the future?”

Why does Klaus Schwab continue to highlight this forum as the leader of the “civilized world?”

Why does he always present a dark picture whenever he speaks at these WEF forums?

America is not part of the WEF and anyone who is a member and follows their lead that is an American politician (there are many), they need to burn their WEF cards and come back home.

The globalist nature of the WEF and many prior statements from Schwab and others like him, do not present a bright future for America as a constitutional republic. Instead, they see America as a means by which to control global societies and to leverage the richness of the resources America possesses (this includes you and me).

Yes, we are in a global struggle alright. It is one of globalists and their Communist-Marxist allies against the freedom and independence of thought and action of every American, as well as a functioning rule of law, somewhat still guided by a tried and true document called the U.S. Constition…a document that is clearly under assault.

That’s okay America, we’ve been here before. Yes this adversary is different with different tools being waged in this generational battle, but nonetheless, #WeThePeople have the upper hand. We have it because we have tasted the ideals and values of freedom and have woken up from our complacency and laziness.

We still have a struggle to reclaim America for the greater good and for the values that our founders built upon this rock we call the United States.

Our Declaration of Independence is a statement on and of humanity. And as it states, we, as Americans, are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

I, for one, will not stand and allow these globalists to dictate to me how I will live. I live in America where these ideas still matter and that is why we will see victory in November and we will win our country back from the clutches of these globalists and their allies and as the Irish ☘️ are fond of saying, “until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand.” And He will!

Stand strong America, stay healthy and believe!

Ephesians 6: 10-18




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