When President Trump came out the crowd started chanting TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP..

President Trump immediately called for UNITY…his tone was very different tonight as many noted in last nights article.  For me, Trumps tone has never bothered me but at this time I do feel it is time to bring the country and the world together.  This will be a very big part of Trumps message, unity and coming together and he says it will happen very fast.

President Trump also thanked the senators and congressman and he congratulated Ron and Nikki, and he also congratulated Vivek.

President Trump then went on to thank his incredible wife, our First Lady, and he thanks Melania’s incredible beautiful Mother who passed away a few days ago and then he pointed to heaven and said she was one of the most special people he had known, honestly, I lost here and cried my eyes out.  It was touching and beautiful.

And then President Trump thanked his whole family who worked so hard and have taken so much abuse for being such good people.  

President Trump joked about Barron being a basketball player and Barron said, no dad I like soccer. LOL

He also thanked his sister Elizabeth who is also a fan and an incredible person.

President Trump then went on to talk about a woman that took a big chance, Attorney General Brenna Bird, she really stepped up.  Trump predicts she will be Iowa’s Governor one day.

Another man Trump thanked that also was the first to endorse President Trump, literally, back in 2015, Brad (sorry couldnt get his last name) Trump says he is a handsome dude and looks like the Marlboro Man LOL then Trump joked about how Brad came all the way from Missouri and said you cant drive an electric car that far though.  LOL

Trump then thanked his team on the stage with him.

So, then President Trump says we are going to come together, we are going to drill baby drill, we are going to seal up the border and Trump talked about the millions and millions invasion at our border and where they are coming from.  Hundreds and hundreds of known terrorists coming through our border.  Very bad people.  Trump said we are going to have to have a deportation level that no one has seen in this country for a long time, since Dwight Eisenhower.

Then LOL Trump went on to say he didn’t want to be overly rough on the president (Biden) but, Trump said he (Biden) was the worst president in the history of our country.  He (Biden) is destroying our country. 

Then Trump talked about Paper Ballots and Voter ID and the crowd cheered!  One day, one day.  Trump also said we have to get rid of mail in ballots and talked about once you have mail in ballots you have crocked elections.

Trump said we are going to rescue and save our economy. He talked about inflation being a country killer. 

We want peace through strength. 

And then he talked about FAKE NEWS and how if they would become honest 90% of our problems in this country would be solved.  He is right about that.

President Trump said we are going to do incredible things.  We are going to get things solved. 

Trump said we want a country of Law and Order. 

President Trump in closing up said this has been an incredible experience, talked about winning for the 3rd time.

He called up Brick Suit to the stage. LOL

We are now off to New Hampshire. We won it both times. 

President Trump says the people in our country are ALL GREAT, they are all great.

This was really an incredible speech by President Trump.


God Bless You and Your Families!



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