This post was originally published on this site,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/ then shall we say to these things…”If God is for us who can be against us.” (Romans 8:31)
When we read the bible, we find that Jesus told us about the last days. He said that there would be wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines, pestilences, and more. He said that man’s heart will be failing them because of all the occurrences. People will be living in fear.
In light of all the things that are happening around the world, I believe that the Lord will soon be returning. If this world is our only hope for the future, we should be very concerned. If, however, we have the belief that we have an eternal home where Jesus resides, we have something much better to look forward to.
There has been a lot of concern about drones and where they are from. No matter where they are from, it does not change the truth of God’s word. Whenever I think about them, I have an inner peace. God is still in control. We read in the bible that there will be an occurrence we call the rapture. This is when God will take His Church out of the world. I believe it will be before the Antichrist reigns in the world. If we are once saved always saved and our relationship with God as His children cannot be changed, we cannot lose our salvation by taking the mark of the beast. I believe this test will be for those who are left behind and must prove their love for God.
Now is the time to tell others of the saving grace of Jesus and to pray for the salvation of sinners. There is less time to get right with God than there was yesterday. Salvation is a free gift bought with the great price Jesus paid on the cross, when He took our sins upon Himself. Getting saved is so easy…we don’t have to get ourselves straightened out, we just have to come to Jesus as we are. The Holy Spirit who we will receive, will do the work of changing us.
God does not want His children to live in fear and anxiety, He wants us to exercise our faith and be confident about our future. As we follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit, He will show us the path that God wants us to take. He will fill us with His supernatural peace.